
[Breweries (63)] [Brewpubs (4)] [Beer makers without breweries (3)] [Closed Breweries (97)]

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reviewed by yours truly: 40.3% (27)

Thank you for letting me know about any corrections or missing informations! (bov (at)

Size signification
<50 hl/yr: picobrewey (part-time or hobby)
<1'000 hl/yr: nanobrewery
<5'000 hl/yr: microbrewery
<50'000 hl/yr: regional brewery
>50'000 hl/yr: large brewery

Rating signification
to The nec plus ultra ! Don't miss those breweries.
Very good breweries !
Above average and satisfying.
to Average.
 Not terrible.
 This is getting pretty bad.
to  Be cautious: you may REALLY not like it !

Please note that the star ratings for the appreciation are based on the weighted average and not on the mean average like the rating. You can have a look to the ranking list to see the weighted averages and the way they are calculated as well.
Click here if you would like to see my ranking list for this canton.

The breweries displayed with a yellow background do not appear anymore on the list of the Federal Customs, yet seem to be still active. I will keep them for some time in the hope that they will regulate their situation.

Breweries (63)

# of beers
Rating avg
Please be aware that all ratings and comments reflect my opinion only ! So don't blame me if I dislike your favourite brewery. Fortunately we are free to like whatever we like...
5 vor 12i

Founded in 2018

Obergass 16
8733 Eschenbach


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewing on a 100 liters installation.
BCB Bleisch Craft Beer

Founded in 2015

Moosstrasse 52
9014 St.Gallen


list of beers

1 15.6 Brewer: Marco Bleisch.
Brewing on a 3 hl installation.
Biär Berneck

Founded in 2021

Rüdenstrasse 7
9442 Berneck


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewers: Björn Lutze and Melanie Brunner Lutze.
Brewing on a 50 liters installation.
Bier Factory

Founded in 2000

Eichwiesstrasse 6
8645 Rapperswil


1000 hl

list of beers

64 14.68

"Brewer: Gabriel Hill.
Initiated by Stephen Hart in 2000, this brewery is one of the early pioneers of craft beers in Switzerland. Changed its name from Rappi Bier Factory to Bier Factory Rapperswil in 2013 and dropped some years later the town denomination. Moved to a new place in February 2014 and has a taproom (opened each Thursday) since 2019. Offers about 6 core beers in mostly Anglo-American styles + some one-shots brewed on a 10 hl installation.
Quality and diversity: go for it!"

Founded in 2020

9463 Oberriet


N/A N/A Probably inactive.
Brauclub Altstätten

Founded in 1999

Eichbergerstrasse 99
9452 Hinterforst


N/A N/A A brewer club producing on a 50 liters installation. Closed shortly between 2022 and 2023.
Brauerei Thurnheer

Founded in 2022

Heiggenstrasse 17
8873 Amden


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewing on a 50 liters installation.

Founded in 2021

Neulandenstrasse 16
9500 Wil


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Reini Aurich.

Founded in 2019

Neuhüslipark 8
8645 Jona


list of beers

N/A N/A -
Brown Beer

Founded in 2019

Tünelenweg 21a
8880 Walenstadt


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewers: Andreas Hug and Rainer Braun.

Founded in 2018

8881 Tscherlach


N/A N/A Probably inactive.

Founded in 2016

Torstrasse 25
9000 St. Gallen


list of beers

2 13.2 Brewer: Ole Lind.
Beer bar producing also its own beer on a 150 liters installation.

Founded in 2017

9470 Buchs


N/A N/A Probably inactive.
Druid Brewing

Founded in 2017

Haggenstrasse 45
9014 St. Gallen


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Fabio Curatolo.
Brewing on a 3 hl installation.

Founded in 2019

Haggenstrasse 45
9014 St. Gallen


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Patrick Eberle.
Originally located in Gossau and now apparently brewing on the same place as Druid Brewing.

Founded in 2019

Langgasse 50
9008 St. Gallen

Link down; brewery closed?


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Marc Panis.
Brewing beers in Belgian styles.
Probably inactive now.
Engineers of Beer (VSHSR)

Founded in 2015

Oberseestrasse 10
8640 Rapperswil


N/A N/A Probably inactive.

Founded in 2020

9248 Bichwil


N/A N/A Inactive or highly discrete homebrewery.

Founded in 2019

Sennhüttenstrasse 21
8716 Schmerikon


30 hl

list of beers

1 12 Brewer: Peter Cartwright.

Founded in 2016

9230 Flawil


N/A N/A Probably inactive.

Founded in 2021

Gasterweg 1
8730 Uznach

Link down; brewery closed?


list of beers

5 14.88

Brewer: Romano Müller.
Brews 5 core beers in mostly Anglo-American styles.
Pretty high quality.
GHB - Gürtler Herrmann Brewery

Founded in 2021

9000 St. Gallen


list of beers

4 14.2

Heerbrugger Bier

Founded in 2013

9435 Heerbrugg


list of beers

5 11.28

Brewer: Silvio Carnier.
German-style beers going from decent to infected. Needs some tuning.
Hochkant Brau-Werk

Founded in 2019

Blumenaustrasse 8
9500 Will


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Michael Schönenberger.
Brewing on a 140 liters installation.
Kursi Bräu

Founded in 2015

9403 Goldach


N/A N/A Probably inactive.

Founded in 2016

Haldenstrasse 6
8887 Mels


list of beers

2 13 -

Founded in 2021

9613 Mühlrüti


N/A N/A -

Founded in 2022

9242 Oberuzwil


N/A N/A -
Peak River

Founded in 2021

Wangserstrasse 18
8887 Mels


list of beers

2 13.8 Brewing on a 2 hl installation.
Qusi's Bierbraui

Founded in 2017

Auwies 8
9242 Oberuzwil


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Markus Frischknecht.
Rock Story Brew

Founded in 2015

Augustinergasse 26
9000 St. Gallen


24 hl

list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Kevin Staffa.
A tiny brewery in a bar. Brewing on a 50 liters installation.
Saint City Brewing Company

Founded in 2020

Zürcherstrasse 162
9000 St. Gallen


list of beers

4 13.8

Sankt Josef

Founded in 2021

St. Josefstrasse 8e
8730 Uznach


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Peter Bosshard.

Founded in 2018

Städtchenstrasse 89
7320 Sargans

Link down; brewery closed?


list of beers

N/A N/A Probably inactive.

Founded in 2018

9444 Diepoldsau


N/A N/A Probably inactive.

Founded in 2015

Sonnenhalde 5
8716 Schmerikon


20 hl

list of beers

2 13.8 Brewer: Rolf Schmucki.
Brewing on a 2 hl installation.

Founded in 2019

Neue Jonastr. 85
8640 Rapperswil


30 hl

list of beers

2 12.6 Brewer: Andreas Wettler.

Founded in 1779

St. Jakobsstrasse 37
9004 St. Gallen


161’800 hl

list of beers

37 11.68

"Brewer: Johannes Schmalzl.
It was 1779 as Johann Ulrich Tobler acquired the real estate of a shooting club in St. Gallen - thus the name and logo - and started the Schützengarten brewery with his brother. The brewery - whose structures are still nowadays on the same place as when it was founded - owes its actual size to Arnold Billwiller who succeeded to increase its production from 7'200 hl to 100'000 hl at the end of the 19th century.
Schützengarten which is surrounded on one side by 2 multinational companies - Heineken and Carlsberg - and on the other side by numerous and more flexible microbreweries, has succeeded until now to remain stable, partially thanks to the acquisition of the brewery Löwengarten in 2006. But the brightness (or not) of its future will depend of its capacity to innovate which looks indeed not bad at all (Gallus beer launched in 2012, IPA and Swiss Stout in 2016 as well as the take-over of Birrificio Ticinese and the opening of the brewpub Brauwerk 1779 in 2018).
Schützengarten is the oldest Swiss brewery still in activity since the closure of Schloss Reichenbach in Zollikofen in 1971. This record is a bit disputed as the discovery of old documents proving the existence of brewing activities in Appenzell as soon as 1778 may change things. But a link between those activities and the brewery Locher still has to be proven.
Has about 220 employees and a 300 hl main installation.
You can expect here almost only bottom-fermented german-style beers, some of them like Landbier or Klosterbräu slightly above average and others being IMHO poor and boring. But don't miss their entrance in the world of craft beer with Gallus, IPA and Swiss Stout"

Founded in 2011

Hauptstrasse 33
9477 Trübbach


7 hl

list of beers

2 7.2 Brewer: Hansueli Senn and Hans Eggenberger.
Caution …

Founded in 2013

Röllweg 5
9470 Buchs


list of beers

21 13.62

"Brewer: Reto Senn, Ulrich Senn and Roger Senn.
Brewing on a 2 hl installation.
Good (and getting always better) beers of (mainly) german styles. Go for it !"
This brewery believes in the myth of the Reinheitsgebot.
Seven Spills

Founded in 2019

9012 St. Gallen


N/A N/A Looks pretty inactive.

Founded in 2016

8376 Fischingen


list of beers

1 14.4 Formerly named Bründel Bräu and located in Weinfelden.

Founded in 1891

Alte Landstrasse 36
9445 Rebstein


29’000 hl

list of beers

22 10.07

"Brewer: Steffen Pawlak.
This family-owned brewery is led nowadays by Claudia Graf (5th generation) and employs 40 persons. Everything started back in 1891 when Eduard Graf - known for his slogan ""the freshest beer is always the best"" - began to brew in the tavern ""zur Sonne"" in Rebstein. The very promising start was shocked by World War I and by the death of the founder in 1918. The efforts of his two sons were then slowed down by the economic crisis and World War II thus it was only later during the sixties that the brewery was finally able to grow, surpassing the 20'000 hl.
In 1978 Sonnenbräu launched the first light beer of Switzerland.
While a lot of breweries are hiding with a certain shame the fact they are using corn, others like Sonnenbräu use this as a marketing argument.
Despite its size - which gives it some flexibility - and despite not beeing religiously bound to the Reinheitsgebot, this brewery does not show much pep for innovation (and please don't tell me beers like Craft1 or Maisbier are innovations ...).Expect almost only german-style beers, some of them good (like Annett's Büezer) and some of them pretty bad (like the Doppel-Bock).
Brews Züri-Hell and Illauer Punt under contract. However it seems like the former is since recently produced by Braukultur (Usterbräu). The production is about 32'000 hl (last source: 2017). Brewing installation of 94 hl."
South Shore Morales Brewing Company -SSMBC-

Founded in 2020

9404 Rorschacherberg


list of beers

4 11.7

Could be decent if the carbonation was controlled.

Founded in 2021

Dorfstrasse 11
8722 Kaltbrunn


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewers: Urs Steiner and Patrick Rüeeg.
An association specialized in Whisky- and Rhum-production. Brewing beers for their own association.

Founded in 1858

Herisauer Strasse 16
9200 Gossau


6’000 hl

list of beers

17 10.19

"Brewer: Christian Krucker.
Started in 1858 by Joseph Alois Krucker, Stadtbühler has remained a family brewery until nowadays and it looks like nothing can disturb its tranquility and independence. Its production output has been very constant during the last years. The brewery has actually 14 employees. See also Brewing on a 75 hl installation built in 1933.
While some of their products - like the Dunkel or the Fürstenbräu - can be really nice, others may be boring at best or even dubious. You can expect almost only german-style beers here (yes, we are very close to Germany) yet a Smoked beer, another dry-hopped and a last one with millet (the Hirsegold ( brewed under contract) are giving some hope ... Brews also Nubiabrew, Hum and some Napf under contract."
This brewery believes in the myth of the Reinheitsgebot.
Tegerscher Bräu

Founded in 2018

Taastrasse 11
9113 Degersheim


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Alex Koster.
Brewing on a 100 liter installation.
Thaler Bier

Founded in 2010

Tobelmülistrasse 4
9425 Thal

Link down; brewery closed?


list of beers

5 13.04

Brewers: Andrea Tarnutzer and Fritz Eugster.
Formerly named Rietgassbräu.
Probably inactive.

Founded in 2021

8889 Plons


N/A N/A Looks pretty inactive.

Founded in 2017

8640 Rapperswil


list of beers

N/A N/A Probably inactive.

Founded in 2016

Burgstrasse 3
9200 Gossau

Link down; brewery closed?


list of beers

3 11.73

Probably inactive.

Founded in 2003

Parkstrasse 6
7324 Vilters


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Sascha Guntli.
Brewing on a 50 liters installation.
Village Hill

Founded in 2021

Buebeseggstrasse 19
9650 Nesslau


list of beers

N/A N/A -

Founded in 2023

9030 Abtwil


N/A N/A -

Founded in 2021

Neue Jonastrasse 40
8640 Rapperswil


list of beers

N/A N/A -

Founded in 2014

9000 St. Gallen


N/A N/A Located previously in Winterthur. Probably inactive.

Founded in 2020

Sennhüttenstrasse 21
8716 Schmerikon


list of beers

1 14.8 Brewer: Peter Rohner.
Brewing on the installations of Fidibus.
Young Braun Brewery

Founded in 2020

Konstanzerstrasse 42
9500 Will


list of beers

5 13.84

Brewer: Marco Angele.

Founded in 2020

Chriesilöserstrasse 23
7310 Bad Ragaz


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Patrick Widrig.
Brewing on a 20 liters installation.

Founded in 2018

8730 Uznach


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Richard Schwyter.
zur Linde

Founded in 2021

Hauptstrasse 42
9436 Balgach


N/A N/A A pub/bar with a microbrewery.

Founded in 2021

Zwinglistrasse 30
8645 Jona


list of beers

N/A N/A An association.
Zwuggel Bräu

Founded in 2019

8888 Heiligkreuz


N/A N/A Looks pretty inactive.

Brewpubs (4)

# of beers
Rating avg
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...

Founded in 2010

Flawilerstrasse 46
9201 Gossau


2’000 hl

list of beers

16 12.95

"Brewer: Andreas Friemer.
This brewery has 5 employees (+ about 10 for the restaurant).
Offers a good Weizen, a good Lager Hell and a good fruit beer but others may be clearly offside."
Hermann Bier

Founded in 2014

Lämmlisbrunnenstrasse 18
9000 St. Gallen


150 hl

list of beers

17 13.98

Brewer: Marco Hermann.
Moved from the Industriestrasse and built a brewpub by the end of 2020. Brewing on a 5 hl installation.

Founded in 2008

Industriestrasse 21
9400 Rorschach


1’300 hl

list of beers

18 12.73

"Brewer: Andreas Müller.
Founded in 2007 as a stock corporation (more than 400 share holders), this brewpub is opened every day (except on Sunday) from 16:30 to 00:30 and employs 3 people. The main initiator - brewmaster Andreas Müller - worked before at the breweries Gurten, Egger and Löwengarten. As the latter was closed in 2006 as a consequence of its taking over by Schützengarten, Andreas Müller decided to fulfill his dream by opening his own brewpub.
After a first year at 750 hectoliters, the production is steadily growing. It reached 900 hl in 2013 and about 1'300 nowadays.
After a deceptive start regarding quality, they made great improvements. Beside different german-style beers this brewery also offers a Porter, a honey beer and of course an IPA (a mandatory style since some years).
Member of the Swiss Breweries Association since 2021."
St. Johann

Founded in 2012

Toggenburgerstrasse 3
9652 Neu St. Johann


640 hl

list of beers

11 12.44

Brewer: Maximilian Lechner.
Originally scheduled to start in December 2011 but started effectively in November 2012.
Has 4 full-time employees and about 1000 stakeholders..
Offers a very good Weizen but a Hell and a Dunkel which are below average.

Beer makers without breweries (3)

# of beers
Rating avg
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...

Founded in 2011

Bachstrasse 10c
9008 St.Gallen


40 hl

list of beers

8 13.5

"Brewer: Adi Schmid.
Created in 2011 as a Gmbh (LLC) this very interesting nanobrewery (for me the best discovery at the Bierfest in Chur 2014) switched to a client brewery status, the beers being brewed at Stadtbier Chur since around 2020."
HuM (hopfenundmalz)

Founded in 2011

Bahnhofstrasse 15
9200 Gossau


list of beers

12 14.43

Brewers: Andreas Tobler and Markus Rosenberger.
Offers solid and quality beers.
The beers are brewed at Brauerei Stadtbühl.

Founded in 2004

9500 Will

400 hl

1 11.6 A society which is promoting local products. The beer (Thurbobräu) is brewed by Sonnenbräu.

no beer shops reported

Closed Breweries (97)

NameAddressfounded-closedContact # of beers
Rating Comments
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...
8716 Schmerikon
2017 - 2022


 N/A N/A Probably inactive.
AeschensackLindestrasse 27
8730 Uznach
2019 - 2023


N/A N/A Formerly located in Lachen (SZ). Probably inactive.
Aktienbrauerei Wil
9500 Wil
1881 - 1918

 N/A N/A N/A
Back & Bräu
Loretostrasse 19
9620 Lichtensteig


N/A N/A Brewer: Karl Hartenstein
A brewpub which was located at 7 different places in the country. This restaurant chain was bought by Steinfels AG in 2003 after the bankruptcy of Back & Bräu AG.
Back & Bräu
Bahnhofplatz 5
8640 Rapperswil
1995 - 2005


N/A N/A Brewer: Karl Hartenstein
A brewpub which was located at 7 different places in the country. This restaurant chain was bought by Steinfels AG in 2003 after the bankruptcy of Back & Bräu AG. This one closed in 2005.
Back & Bräu
Bahnhofplatz 2
9000 St. Gallen
1997 - 2002


N/A N/A Brewer: Karl Hartenstein
A brewpub which was located at 7 different places in the country. This restaurant chain was bought by Steinfels AG in 2003 after the bankruptcy of Back & Bräu AG. This one closed in 2002.
9606 Bütschwil
1866 - 1973


 N/A N/A N/A
9004 St. Gallen
1856 - 1902

 N/A N/A Originally named zum Felsenkeller.
Berger Bier
Rorschacherstrasse 102a
9402 Mörschwil
2016 - 2020


N/A N/A Brewer: Markus Berger.
Formerly named 9030 and then Gambino Brewing and located in Abtwil.
Bier Akademie Schweiz
Zürcherstrasse 495
9015 St. Gallen
2016 - 2022


N/A N/A -
Bierbrau Kollektiv
8718 Schänis
2010 - 2012


 N/A N/A -
Bierbrauerei Gebr. Locher
9470 Buchs
1883 - 1973


 N/A N/A N/A
Black Deer Brewing
Sandackerstrasse 30
9245 Oberbüren
2015 - 2023


N/A N/A Brewer: Morris Huber.
Originally located in St-Gallen.
Brewing on a 70 liters installation.

Production: 10 hl

9620 Lichtensteig
1844 - 1989


 N/A N/A "Apparently ""transformed"" in Back & Bräu in 1989 ?!"
9400 Rorschach
1850 - 1892

 N/A N/A N/A
Ceres Bräu

9469 Haag
2014 - 2024


N/A N/A Brewing on 100 liters installation.
Could be inactive.
CPS SchneiderGrüel 38
9475 Sevelen
2020 - 2022


 N/A N/A -
8880 Walenstadt
1875 - 1900

 N/A N/A First named Tschirgi then Schmid.
Dragon Brew
9403 Goldach
2018 - 2022


 N/A N/A Probably inactive.
9620 Lichtensteig
1885 - 1900

 N/A N/A Originally named Klingler.
7310 Bad Ragaz
1882 - 1905

 N/A N/A N/A
8732 Neuhaus
1880 - 1890

 N/A N/A N/A
9450 Altstätten
1807 - 1916

 N/A N/A N/A
9450 Altstätten
1832 - 1914

 N/A N/A N/A
9402 Mörschwil
1875 - 1923

 N/A N/A N/A
9444 Diepoldsau
1885 - 1918

 N/A N/A N/A
Flawilerstrasse 90
9200 Gossau
2016 - 2022


N/A N/A Apparently inactive.
Gonzen RestaurantStädtchenstrasse 56
7320 Sarganz
1998 - 2002


 N/A N/A N/A
9464 Rüthi
1896 - 1901

 N/A N/A N/A
9006 St. Fiden
1880 - 1926

 N/A N/A N/A
9620 Lichtensteig
1875 - 1912

 N/A N/A N/A
9450 Altstätten
1845 - 1927

 N/A N/A Originally called Prestegg
Sonnenbergstrasse 78
9030 Abtwil
2006 - 2016


N/A N/A A group of homebrewer.
9442 Berneck
1872 - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
9642 Ebnat-Kappel
1875 - 1885

 N/A N/A N/A
8887 Mels
1875 - 1900

 N/A N/A N/A
8645 Jona
1837 - 1900

 N/A N/A N/A
9424 Rheineck
1881 - 1911

 N/A N/A "Named successively Brauerei und Malzfabrik Rheineck, Schlenk, Schinle and Kütt."
9436 Balgach
1870 - 1900

 N/A N/A N/A
8890 Flims
1870 - 1892

 N/A N/A N/A
7310 Bad Ragaz
1875 - 1903

 N/A N/A N/A
9450 Altstätten
1875 - 1914

 N/A N/A N/A
9230 Flawil
1880 - 1890

 N/A N/A N/A
St. Galler Strasse 47
9400 Rorschach
1871 - 2006


9 8.38

"Brewer: R. Brandenberg
Owner of Boxer. Brrr ... Definitely not good, this is one of the worst brewery of the country. Owned by Schützengarten since april 2006 and scheduled to close in november 2006."
9000 St. Gallen
1875 - 1901

 N/A N/A N/A
9602 Bazenheid
1875 - 1880

 N/A N/A N/A
9400 Rorschach
1877 - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
9643 Krummenau
1875 - 1895

 N/A N/A N/A
9422 Staad
1876 - 1903

 N/A N/A N/A
9473 Gams
2018 - 2023


 N/A N/A Probably inactive.
8887 Mels
1833 - ?

 N/A N/A N/A
9642 Ebnat-Kappel
2010 - 2011


N/A N/A -
9006 St. Fiden
1875 - 1917

 N/A N/A N/A
9430 St. Margarethen
1895 - 1902

 N/A N/A N/A
9230 Flawil
1875 - 1895

 N/A N/A N/A
Obersee Brau Union
St. Dionysstrasse 31
8645 Jona
2016 - 2018


13 13.26

Located previously in Wetzikon (ZH). Offers decent beers in various styles.
9620 Lichtensteig
1836 - 1906

 N/A N/A N/A
7310 Bad Ragaz
1875 - 1920

 N/A N/A N/A
Waldrainstrasse 8
9010 St. Gallen
2020 - 2020


N/A N/A -
Schönbodenstrasse 5
8640 Rapperswil
2009 - 2014

N/A N/A Client brewer. The beer is brewed by Rosengarten.
And yet another my-beer-is-not-brewed-locally-but-you-should-not-know-it Client brewer. Originally planed to build it's own brewery by the end of 2010. Now saying it will be done as soon as they will reached 700 hl.
On sale since Mai 2013.

Production: 200 hl

8640 Rapperswil
1824 - 1912

 N/A N/A Originally called Alter Pfauen.
9400 Rorschach
1875 - ?

 N/A N/A N/A
Röbi-BräuBungertstrasse 36
7323 Wangs
2004 - 2022


 N/A N/A Brewer: Robert Hänsli.
Probably inactive.
9113 Degersheim
1875 - 1880

 N/A N/A N/A
9006 St. Fiden
1875 - 1890

 N/A N/A N/A
9942 Berneck
2019 - 2022


 N/A N/A Probably inactive.
9434 Au
1882 - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
Schneider Braui
Bahnweg 45
8887 Mels
2013 - 2018


N/A N/A Brewer: Peter Schneider.
9014 Bruggen
1850 - 1900

 N/A N/A N/A
9525 Lenggenwil
2021 - 2024


 N/A N/A Looks pretty inactive.
9500 Wil
1872 - 1916

 N/A N/A N/A
8887 Mels
1830 - 1905

 N/A N/A N/A
9475 Sevelen
2006 - 2022


11 13.82

Brewer: Andrea and Dominik De Gregorio.
A shop specialized in brewing equipment and brewing its own beer.
Subtle and very well-made beers. Good work!

Production: 120 hl

9464 Lienz-Rüthi
1863 - 1915

 N/A N/A Originally named zur Krone.
9621 Oberhelfenschwil
1852 - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
St. Georg
8722 Kaltbrunn
2017 - 2022


 N/A N/A Brewers: Toni and Pascal Rüegg.
Probably inactive.
9642 Ebnat-Kappel
1850 - 1972


 N/A N/A N/A
9014 Bruggen
1784 - 1973


 N/A N/A N/A
9323 Morgenthal
1888 - 1892

 N/A N/A N/A
8887 Mels
1825 - ?

 N/A N/A N/A
Gähwilerstrasse 56
9533 Kirchberg
2013 - 2023


N/A N/A A brewer club.

Production: 60 hl

8730 Uznach
1835 - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
WBW (Widmer Bierspezialitäten Will)
Kirchgasse 2
9500 Wil
2016 - 2020


N/A N/A Brewer: Christof Widmer.
Wiler Hofbräu
9500 Wil
1815 - 1983


 N/A N/A Originally called zum Hof.
9425 Thal
1850 - 1924

 N/A N/A N/A
Zirfass & Co.
9470 Buchs
1854 - 1982


 N/A N/A Founded as Traube.
zum Adler
9030 St. Josefen
1866 - 1890

 N/A N/A N/A
zum Bierhaus
9242 Oberuzwil
1870 - 1892

 N/A N/A N/A
zum Bierhof
9000 St. Gallen
1867 - 1889

 N/A N/A N/A
zum Fass
9500 Wil
1885 - 1900

 N/A N/A N/A
zum Schwefelbad
7320 Sarganz
1862 - 1892

 N/A N/A N/A
zum Sternen
9443 Widnau
1882 - 1890

 N/A N/A N/A
zum Tabor
7312 Pfäfers
1884 - 1888

 N/A N/A N/A
zum Wiesenthal
9630 Wattwil
1879 - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
zur Mauer
9652 Neu St Johann
1850 - 1907

 N/A N/A N/A
zur Toggenburg
9630 Wattwil
1838 - 1904

 N/A N/A N/A
zur Wachsbleiche
9400 Rorschach
1875 - 1915

 N/A N/A N/A