
[Breweries (23)] [Brewpubs (2)] [Bars (3)] [Closed Breweries (29)]

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reviewed by yours truly: 72.0% (18)

Thank you for letting me know about any corrections or missing informations! (bov (at)

Size signification
<50 hl/yr: picobrewey (part-time or hobby)
<1'000 hl/yr: nanobrewery
<5'000 hl/yr: microbrewery
<50'000 hl/yr: regional brewery
>50'000 hl/yr: large brewery

Rating signification
to The nec plus ultra ! Don't miss those breweries.
Very good breweries !
Above average and satisfying.
to Average.
 Not terrible.
 This is getting pretty bad.
to  Be cautious: you may REALLY not like it !

Please note that the star ratings for the appreciation are based on the weighted average and not on the mean average like the rating. You can have a look to the ranking list to see the weighted averages and the way they are calculated as well.
Click here if you would like to see my ranking list for this canton.

The breweries displayed with a yellow background do not appear anymore on the list of the Federal Customs, yet seem to be still active. I will keep them for some time in the hope that they will regulate their situation.

Breweries (23)

# of beers
Rating avg
Please be aware that all ratings and comments reflect my opinion only ! So don't blame me if I dislike your favourite brewery. Fortunately we are free to like whatever we like...
3 Lacs

Founded in 2013

chemin du Rafour 9
2073 Enges


list of beers

11 13.02

Brewer: Michaël Fonteyn.
Producing beers mainly in belgian styles.
Bières de Neuch

Founded in 2007

Rue des Prélets 26
2206 Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane


75 hl

list of beers

13 14.28

Brewer: Thomas Houle.
A microbrewery producing 5 core beers (+ seasonal of belgian inspiration.
Stopped temporary in Spring 2009 as the brewers decided to quit but is running again now that they have found a successor (March 2010). Stopped again in 2015 and restarted in 2016 with a new owner again.
Bonne Aventure

Founded in 2022

Recrêtes 21
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds


list of beers

2 12.8 Brewing beers mostly in belgian styles on an installation of 3x100 liters.

Founded in 2020

2017 Boudry


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Julien Alison Basset.
Brasserie de l'Avenir

Founded in 2020

rue Numa-Droz 174
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds


list of beers

5 12.88

Brewer: Corentin Royer.
Owned by Turbinenbräu Chef, Adrien Weber. A very ambitious brewery projecting an output of 10 to 20 thousands hl yearly with cheap lager beer. Has for the moment 3 employees. Brews 3 core beers and one seasonal.
Brasserie des Brenets

Founded in 2019

Pré-du-Lac 27
2416 Les Brenets


list of beers

N/A N/A -
Brasserie des Fées

Founded in 2020

Grand'Rue 32a
2108 Couvet


list of beers

6 11.93

New owner since October 2023.
Brasserie du Groin

Founded in 2020

rue de la Fleur-de-Lys 4
2074 Marin


list of beers

4 12.6

Producing 5 core beers on a 240 liters installation.
Brasserie du Manoir

Founded in 2014

En Bas-le-Port 3
2088 Cressier


list of beers

4 14.6

Brewer: Pascal Bader.
Brewing on a 3 hl installation. Stopped between 2019 and 2022.
Well-crafted beers. Don't miss it.
Brasserie du Menhir

Founded in 2021

2023 Gorgier


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewing on a 150 liters installation.
Bueche uLab

Founded in 2022

Bas du Village 7
2058 le Pâquier


N/A N/A A microbiological and chemical analysis laboratory for microbreweries. And they are contract brewing for private persons on a 65 liters installation.

Founded in 2017

route des Marais 10a
2074 la Tène


250 hl

list of beers

20 14.12

Brewer: Peter Danielsson.
An ambitious brewery with a yearly production capacity of 2'000 hl. Offers 7 core beers + some seasonals.Diversity and a good quality.
Château Bräu

Founded in 2018

2075 Thielle


list of beers

N/A N/A -
la Base

Founded in 2020

Rue Edmond de Reynier 3
2000 Neuchâtel


N/A N/A Brewer: Vincent Lauzon.
la Comète

Founded in 2012

rue du Commerce 123
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds


250 hl

list of beers

7 12.86

Brewer: Roman Winiger.
A revival of the deceased la Comète (1867-1974). Started as a client brewer (brewed by Fahrtwind) but registered as producer since December 2013 and brewing in la Chaux-de-Fonds since August 2015. Offers 3 core beers, bottom fermented and based on german tradition. And about 6 seasonal beers.
la Meute

Founded in 2017

rue de l'Hôtel de Ville 7b
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds


100 hl

list of beers

12 13.93

Brewers: Vaclav Smerak, Victor Galliker and Jon Tschan.
Offers 5 core beers + some seasonal. Pretty nice beers and a decent variety.
la P'tite Anglaise

Founded in 2018

Industrie 7
2400 Le Locle


120 hl

list of beers

5 12.96

Brewer: Gilles Dupan.
Produces 5 core beers in british styles.
I had 3 pretty good ones and other 2 showing faults. No doubt that this brewery has a good potential.
La Vaudruzienne

Founded in 2016

chemin des Pins 4
2037 Montmollin


35 hl

list of beers

7 13.94

Brewer: Jean Glauser.
Offers 4 core beers and 3 seasonal. Shows a good diversity and an interesting improvement.
la Vouivre

Founded in 2010

La Tertillière 2
2016 Cortaillod


230 hl

list of beers

21 12.84

Brewer: Lionel Ferchaud and Cyril Adatte.
Brews 4 core beers (described by their colours) and some seasonals brewed on a 6 hl installation
Has quite improved since their beginning.
Littoral Neuchâtelois

Founded in 2016

chemin des Mulets 5
2000 Neuchâtel


15 hl

list of beers

3 14.13

Brews 4 core beers of very decent quality.
Père Porret

Founded in 2014

Rue des Tilleuls 7
2027 Fresens


100 hl

list of beers

7 13.66

Brewer: Michael Porret and Blaise Mayor.
Moved from Montalchez to Fresens in 2019. Pretty interesting beers.

Founded in 2024

Rue du Faubourg 9
2065 Savagnier


23 hl

list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Loïc Schüpbach.
Brewing on a 100 liters installation.
Tonneau Joyeux

Founded in 2020

route de Neuchâtel 56
2525 Le Landeron


list of beers

6 12

Moved to a new location with a bigger installation in September 2023.

Brewpubs (2)

# of beers
Rating avg
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...
Brasserie de la Fontaine

Founded in 2002

Avenue Leopold-Robert 17
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds


400 hl

list of beers

6 10.6

Brewer: François Daucourt.
Originally named Café du Marché and located in Le Locle. Their beers made me a very bad impression some years ago (not a surprise for a brewpub in this part of the country) and a recent re-rate could barely correct it. But despite this, you should try their Body Check, a beer generously hopped with Nelson Sauvin (this helps to hide the failures ...).
Moved to Brasserie de la Fontaine in la Chaux-de-Fonds in October 2016.
les Brasseurs Neuchâtel

Founded in 2008

Faubourg du Lac 1
2000 Neuchâtel


700 hl

list of beers

7 8.97

Successful brewpub offering at best bland and unstylish beers.
The same brewpub can be found in Lausanne (since 2000), Nyon (2001), Genève (1997) and Sion (2015).

Beer bars

Name Address / Untappd venueHomepage / Email Rating Comments

rue J.-L. Pourtalès 5
2000 Neuchâtel


20 taps and about 10 bottles/cans. Mostly beers from the canton of Neuchâtel. And unfortunately very static choice.
Beer O'Clock

Rue de la Promenade-Noire 3
2000 Neuchâtel


12 taps and about 50 bottles/cans. An interesting concept (you charge your personal card and you serve yourself the quantity of your choice) and a nice selection.
Bar de la Meute

rue Fritz-Courvoisier 1
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds


16 taps. Mostly Swiss beers from la Meute, Celestial, l'Apaisée, … And they have a beer shop too.

Closed Breweries (29)

NameAddressfounded-closedContact # of beers
Rating Comments
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...
2206 Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
1875 - 1880

 N/A N/A N/A
Bière d'OZ
Vy d’Etraz 100
2014 Bôle
2019 - 2024


9 12.62

Brewer: Michel Theurillat.
Initiated by Walery Nicolas Osowiecki.
Bières des Minibulles
rue Stavay-Mollondin
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds
2017 - 2022

2 14.8 Client brewer. The beer is brewed at Millevertus (Belgium).
Brasserie de Boudry
2017 Boudry
1884 - 1916

 N/A N/A N/A
Brasserie du Cerbère
En Bas le Port 2
2088 Cressier
2016 - 2019


7 10.91

Brewer: Vincent Garcin.

Production: 40 hl

Brasseur Danielsson
route des Marais 10a
2074 la Tène
2017 - 2024


N/A N/A Brewer: Peter Danielsson.
Same owner as Celestial. Inactive.
Deux Souris
La Tertillière 2
2016 Cortaillod
2014 - 2022


6 12.73

Brewer: Jonas Calame.
From la Chaux-de-Fonds but brewing at la Vouivre for the moment. Very uneven quality, going from very good to pretty dubious. The potential is clearly present.

Production: 6 hl

2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds
1905 - ?

 N/A N/A N/A
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds
1863 - 1885

 N/A N/A N/A
2400 le Locle
1870 - 1895

 N/A N/A N/A
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds
1905 - ?

 N/A N/A N/A
Grande Brasserie
2000 Neuchâtel
1875 - 1904

 N/A N/A N/A
2206 Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
1840 - 1920

 N/A N/A Originally called Hoene
2105 Travers
1880 - 1890

 N/A N/A N/A
2000 Neuchâtel
1875 - 1880

 N/A N/A N/A
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds
1875 - 1895

 N/A N/A Started as Ratzinger, then was called Hauert.
la Collégiale
rue du Château 10
2000 Neuchâtel
2016 - 2022


3 14.53

Brewer: Josquin Thiaudière.
Offers good quality beers.

Production: 40 hl

la Comète
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds
1867 - 1974


 N/A N/A Originally called Ulrich
la Malterina
rue de France 24
2400 Le Locle
2022 - 2024


N/A N/A -
2025 Chez-le-Bart
? - 1833

 N/A N/A N/A
2400 le Locle
1870 - 1925

 N/A N/A N/A
2000 Neuchâtel
1862 - 1980


 N/A N/A N/A
2300 la Chaux-de-Fonds
1858 - 1916

 N/A N/A Was also called Brasserie du Nord
Progrèsrue Louis-Favre 66
2017 Boudry
2008 - 2012


N/A N/A Brewers: Nicolas Ruetschi and Murielle Roth.

Production: 4 hl

2034 Peseux
1880 - 1885

 N/A N/A N/A
2206 Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
1875 - 1880

 N/A N/A N/A
2108 Couvet
1875 - 1880

 N/A N/A N/A
2013 Colombier
2006 - 2010


 N/A N/A Brewer: Sebastian Gamez.
Closed in 2007.

rue de la Chapelle 24
2034 Peseux
2003 - 2007


3 7.2

Brewer: Mirko Dardel
A very small microbrewery which desperately fails to bring some quality in its beers. Closed by the end of 2007.