
[Breweries (18)] [Bars (5)] [Closed Breweries (13)]

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reviewed by yours truly: 88.9% (16)

Thank you for letting me know about any corrections or missing informations! (bov (at) bov.ch)

Size signification
<50 hl/yr: picobrewey (part-time or hobby)
<1'000 hl/yr: nanobrewery
<5'000 hl/yr: microbrewery
<50'000 hl/yr: regional brewery
>50'000 hl/yr: large brewery

Rating signification
to The nec plus ultra ! Don't miss those breweries.
Very good breweries !
Above average and satisfying.
to Average.
 Not terrible.
 This is getting pretty bad.
to  Be cautious: you may REALLY not like it !

Please note that the star ratings for the appreciation are based on the weighted average and not on the mean average like the rating. You can have a look to the ranking list to see the weighted averages and the way they are calculated as well.
Click here if you would like to see my ranking list for this canton.

The breweries displayed with a yellow background do not appear anymore on the list of the Federal Customs, yet seem to be still active. I will keep them for some time in the hope that they will regulate their situation.

Breweries (18)

# of beers
Rating avg
Please be aware that all ratings and comments reflect my opinion only ! So don't blame me if I dislike your favourite brewery. Fortunately we are free to like whatever we like...
BFM (Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes)

Founded in 1997

chemin des Buissons 8
2350 Saignelégier


5'000 hl

list of beers

167 15.64

Brewer: Kevin Egenschwiller and René Bage.
Founded by the legendary and charismatic Jérôme Rebetez in November 1997, the BFM (Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes) and its beers have always been similar to their boss: full of character and uncompromising. This initially one-man company has now about 30 employees. Having fought many years almost alone against an ocean of insipid blond lagers, the BFM is the flagship of the swiss brewing fleet, as well inland as abroad (about 20% of the production is exported to 18 different countries). Offers a large palette of beers among them the legendary Abbaye de Saint Bon-Chien brewed in honour of the deceased (and since them of course sanctified) cat of the brewery.
The plant has been first renewed in Sommer 2010 to face the increasing demand then again in 2019 which should allow a doubling of the production until 2024.
Long time leader of my top Swiss brewery list until 2014 and then again from January 2016 to January 2021.

Founded in 2015

rue du 23-Juin 55
2822 Courroux


list of beers

57 15.08

Brewers: Benjamin Bost and Christophe Schaer.
Brews about 5 core beers and many one-shots in Anglo-American styles on a 20 hl installation. Has a yearly capacity of 1800 hl.
A sure value, don't hesitate to try them!

Founded in 2019

route de Courgenay 21
2900 Porrentruy


300 hl

list of beers

14 14.37

Brewers: Maël Theubet and Alexandre Morel.
A fast-growing newcomer brewing beers of US inspiration.
Moved from Fahy to Porrentruy.
Blanche Pierre

Founded in 2013

rue Emile-Boéchat 34
2800 Delémont


500 hl

list of beers

25 13.28

"Brewer: Sandro Ettlin and Elena Hoffmeyer.
Brews on a 5 hl installation. Offers 2 core beers and many one-shot (Aléatoire), all certified organic and the ""Aléatoires"" brewed with Swiss malt only. Has no claim to follow beer styles guidelines so don't try to catalog their products."
Brasserie Artisanale de Porrentruy

Founded in 1996

rte de Courgenay 86
2900 Porrentruy


18 hl

list of beers

8 7.4

Brewer: Alexandre Courtet and Michel Reuter.
Offers 5 core beers.
Please note that the address I mention is not valid anymore. I don't know the actual production address.
Brasserie des Pommerats

Founded in 2017

Haut du Village 18
2353 Les Pommerats


20 hl

list of beers

5 13.12

Brewers: Claude, Alain and Vincent Boillat.
Some promising beers.
Cercle des Brasseurs de Bure

Founded in 2006

le Paradis 163
2915 Bure


10 hl

list of beers

4 13.6

A brewer club.
Mostly interesting and good beers in (approximative) belgian styles.

Founded in 2019

rue Es Planches 14
2842 Rossemaison


list of beers

32 13.7

Brewer: Hugo Wenger.
Brewing on 1 hl installation.
Good creativity and pretty nice quality.

Founded in 2019

2912 Réclère


list of beers

3 12.53

Brewer: Florian Schnyder.
la Croustillante

Founded in 2021

Sur les Rochets 77
2902 Fontenais


list of beers

2 11 -
la Filature

Founded in 2017

route Principale 14
2825 Courchapoix


360 hl

list of beers

8 14.1

Brewer: Julien Monnerat.
Brewing on a 10 hl installation.
Pretty well-made beers and clearly worth a try.
La Pran

Founded in 2024

2855 Glovelier


N/A N/A -
La Roulotte

Founded in 2018

Rière chez Martin 5
2864 Soulce


list of beers

3 12.27

Brewer: Jean-Claude Crétin.
A farm producing its own beer.
La Spirale

Founded in 2017

rue de Chêtre 14
2800 Delémont


12 hl

list of beers

7 13.49

Brewer: Julien Voisard.
A tiny brewery offering some interesting beers.
La Tribornes

Founded in 2024

2855 Sceut


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Thomas Schaller.

Founded in 2020

la Tuilerie 3
2950 Courgenay


list of beers

1 6.4 Brewing on a 330 liters installation.

Founded in 2020

Sur la Rive 10
2826 Corban


list of beers

5 12.16


Founded in 2015

route des Rangiers 56
2882 Saint-Ursanne


400 hl

list of beers

26 15.15

Brewer: Cyril and Guillaume Stalder.
Brews 8 core beers and 2 seasonals mostly in anglo-american styles.
Good hops-oriented beers. Go for it!

no brewpubs reported

Beer bars

Name Address / Untappd venueHomepage / Email Rating Comments
BlackPig TapRoom

rue du 23-Juin 55
2822 Courroux


12 taps and some bottles
Blackwood Taproom

rue des Annonciades 5
2900 Porrentruy


8 taps
le Bar BFM

chemin des Buissons 8
2350 Saignelégier


Taproom of the BFM brewery.
Pub Fiction

route de Porrentruy 32
2800 Delémont


11 beers on tap and about 40 to 50 bottles
Tonnebière Taproom

route des Rangiers 56
2882 Saint-Ursanne


10 taps

Closed Breweries (13)

NameAddressfounded-closedContact # of beers
Rating Comments
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...
Au Fût Maltérue du 23 Juin 24
2830 Courrendlin
2004 - 2006

 3 6.4

Brewer: Thierry Wegmuller.
They probably have special prices for sugar in this part of the country ... Very dubious to say the least. Without doubts one of the worst brewery in the country.
rue Principale 22
2843 Châtillon
2007 - 2011


4 14.5

Brewers: Maxence and Armand Seuret.
A very good brewery offering interesting and well-made beers. A must try.

Production: 25 hl

Brasserie Bavaroise
2800 Delémont
? - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
Brasserie et Malterie Choquard
2900 Porrentruy
1888 - 1905

 N/A N/A N/A
Brasserie Jurassienne
2800 Delémont
1886 - 1922

 N/A N/A N/A
2340 Le Noirmont
1881 - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
2900 Porrentruy
1875 - 1892

 N/A N/A N/A
route du Monterri 22
2950 Courgenay
2016 - 2020


9 10.36

Brewers: Dan Guerdat and Jordan Cuttat.
Well… what should I say? Mostly confused and/or faulty beers.

Production: 15 hl

2926 Boncourt
1885 - 1915

 N/A N/A N/A
la Brassée du Chevrier
les Berchenaux
2829 Vermes
2017 - 2021


3 10.13

Brewers: Simon Clerc and Rémy Petitcuenot.
Farmers brewing their own beers. The first brewery in this canton to brew with local ingredients only. The quality is not convincing at all.
Closed since November 2021 (waiting on the update of the Custom Administration to remove it from my list)

Production: 140 hl


2900 Porrentruy
2019 - 2023


N/A N/A Brewer: Markus Zwahlen
2900 Porrentruy
1875 - 1905

 N/A N/A N/A
2311 Creux des Biches
1881 - 1885

 N/A N/A N/A