
[Breweries (38)] [Brewpubs (1)] [Bars (1)] [Beer makers without breweries (1)] [Closed Breweries (36)]

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reviewed by yours truly: 38.5% (15)

Thank you for letting me know about any corrections or missing informations! (bov (at)

Size signification
<50 hl/yr: picobrewey (part-time or hobby)
<1'000 hl/yr: nanobrewery
<5'000 hl/yr: microbrewery
<50'000 hl/yr: regional brewery
>50'000 hl/yr: large brewery

Rating signification
to The nec plus ultra ! Don't miss those breweries.
Very good breweries !
Above average and satisfying.
to Average.
 Not terrible.
 This is getting pretty bad.
to  Be cautious: you may REALLY not like it !

Please note that the star ratings for the appreciation are based on the weighted average and not on the mean average like the rating. You can have a look to the ranking list to see the weighted averages and the way they are calculated as well.
Click here if you would like to see my ranking list for this canton.

The breweries displayed with a yellow background do not appear anymore on the list of the Federal Customs, yet seem to be still active. I will keep them for some time in the hope that they will regulate their situation.

Breweries (38)

# of beers
Rating avg
Please be aware that all ratings and comments reflect my opinion only ! So don't blame me if I dislike your favourite brewery. Fortunately we are free to like whatever we like...
Alpe Pian Doss

Founded in 2018

S. Bernardino 825
6565 Mesocco


list of beers

N/A N/A A restaurant brewing its own beer.
Alpenbrauerei GIRUN

Founded in 2017

Somvi 51
7559 Tschlin


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Florian Geyer.
Brews on a 3 hl installation and offers 3 core beers (Weizen, IPA and Hell)

Founded in 2015

Poststrasse 519
7050 Arosa


list of beers

4 13.8

Initially called Bergbräu Arosa.
Brews 4 core beers.

Founded in 2016

Vadelsweg 4C
7206 Igis

Link down; brewery closed?


list of beers

1 13.2 Brewing on a 150 liters installation. A restaurant with its own beers.
Beer Bomb

Founded in 2020

via Stradon 18
6557 Cama


list of beers

3 11.33

Brewing 4 core beers in German and Anglo-American styles on a 1 hl installation. Formerly located in Bruzella (TI).
Bergbrauerei Gadastatt

Founded in 2022

Gadastatt 224
7132 Vals


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Ulf Heinemann.
Probably the highest brewery in the country (1817m)
Bier Manufaktur Maienfeld

Founded in 2011

Bahnhofstrasse 6
7303 Mastrils

Link down; brewery closed?


10 hl

5 13.92

Brewer: Yves Walliser.
This nanobrewery brewed above average beers. Closed in 2014 after the sudden death of the owner, Andreas Walliser … but reloaded in Autumn 2015.(10/2021)
Bieraria Tschlin

Founded in 2005

via Dal Dazi 233
7560 Martina


1'500 hl

list of beers

10 12

Brewer: Christian Schneider.
Located on the east end of the country (some meters from Austria) this brewery has 6 employees and is a limited company with about 1500 stockholders. The company is facing financial problems recurrently. The distribution is assured by Heineken. The brewery moved from Tschlin to Martina in January 2016. Produced about 680 hl between 2005 and 2008 and reached the 1000 hl after a deal with the supermarket Coop in 2015. Increased further to 1500 hl in 2018. Brews 5 organic core beers and some specials.
Offers some decent german-style beers and other less good stuff.
BierVision Monstein

Founded in 2001

Hauptstrasse 36
7278 Davos Monstein


3'000 hl

list of beers

6 10.27

Brewer: Sebastien Degen.
Last beerstop before heaven is a slogan which even attracted THE Beer Hunter Michael Jackson ( This brewery - founded in June 2001 - was at that time the highest in Europe (it is btw not even the highest in Switzerland nowadays) at 1,627 metres and located in a former alpine dairy.
The Biervision Monstein is a stock corporation having more than 1'000 share holder from around the world. Despite having some marketing arguments, reduced costs thanks to a distribution (and probably bottling) deal with Heineken, this brewery still struggles to have some success and is facing financial troubles recurrently.The production which was once of 2'500 hl (mainly thanks to a nationwide distribution of 2 of its beers in more than 300 Coop supermarkets) dropped at 1'700 to rose back to 3'000 nowadays. This brewery has 7 employees and makes as much as 15% of its total revenue with guided brewery tours.
The beers are in my opinion unstylish and unexciting.
Member of the Swiss Breweries Association since 2021.
Brau-Art dals Bofs

Founded in 2017

7512 Champfer


list of beers

N/A N/A -
Brauerei Trun

Founded in 2023

via Principala 42
7166 Trun


list of beers

N/A N/A -
Casa Buletta

Founded in 2021

Dado Baselgia
7149 Vrin


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Fabian Benz.

Founded in 2021

Palottis 11
7235 Fideris


list of beers

N/A N/A -
Davoser Craft Beer

Founded in 2018

Bolgenstrasse 1
7270 Davos Platz


400 hl

list of beers

8 13.25

Brewer: Hannes Gutschmidt.
The brewery has 6 employees. Produces 3 core beers and 4 seasonals on a 10 hl installation.
Offers decent beer in US craft styles.
Engadiner Bier

Founded in 2011

Cuntschett 5
7504 Pontresina


list of beers

7 14.4

Brewer: Daniel Käslin.
Brewing usually 7 core beers on a 10 hl installation. Because of their growth (3 times more in the last 3 years) they are relocated to S-Chanf (2024/25) - where a production of 3500 to 4000 hectoliters yearly are projected - and in the meantime, their beers (yet only 4) are brewed at Biervision Monstein
Interesting and well-achieved beers. Clearly worth a try.
Member of the Swiss breweries association since November 2024.

Founded in 2011

Arälia 444
7214 Grüsch


15 hl

list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Hans-Christian Röthlisberger.
Called now Prättigauer-Bräu ?!?
Could well be inactive.
Föhrenbier Manufaktur

Founded in 2017

Bannholzstrasse 4A
7205 Zizers


list of beers

5 15.6

Brewers: Thomas Kägi and Tania Pally.
Moved from Sargans to Zizers in 2022. Brewing high level quality beers on a 70 liters installation.
Gallo di Rancina

Founded in 2019

Voia Gulera 21
7492 Alvaneu Dorf

Link down; brewery closed?


N/A N/A Probably inactive.
Heineken Switzerland (Calanda)

Founded in 1984

Kasernenstrasse 36
7007 Chur


350'000 hl

list of beers

35 9.07

"Nowadays Heineken Switzerland is the second biggest actor with about 14% of the market (~600'000 hectoliters - the real numbers are undisclosed) and 450 employees. They own two production plants, one in Chur and one in Luzern. Here we will talk about the one in Chur.
It all started back in 1780 when brewer Rageth Mathis opened the brewery of the same name in Chur. It is only much later - 1971 - than the name was changed to Calanda.
One year after its creation in 1984, Heineken Switzerland bought 10% of Calanda stocks. In 1991 the breweries Haldengut (Winterthur, 1843) and Calanda merged together and it is only 2 years later than Heineken took control of the majority of the stocks to eventually become the only owner in 1999.
After the acquisition of new brewing installations in 2002 (allowing in particular high density brewing) the plant in Winterthur was closed and only very few of the Haldengut brands survived and are still produced nowadays in Chur. Heineken is owner of the brand ""Ittinger Klosterbräu"", a beer developped in 1982 by Martin Wartmann and first brewed at Actienbrauerei Frauenfeld. In 1996 Heineken first steps in and the beer production was moved to Haldengut. Later in 2004 Martin Wartmann decided to let its baby live its life and sold all the rights to the green giant. Using the beloved concept of abbey beers this beer is brewed partially using hops harvested near a former Carthusian monastery in Canton Thurgau (Kartause Ittingen). And no matter if it was dissolved more than 150 years ago: the marketing still talks about the only Abbey beer from Switzerland ... And it has some undisputed success with about 20'000 hectoliters yearly.
Besides brewing the brands Calanda, Halden Gut and Tell, all the Heineken destined for the Swiss market are produced in Chur. The company also markets foreign brands like Desperados, Tiger, Murphy, Erdinger, Moretti, Foster's, Newcastle Brown Ale, Clausthaler, VB and Sol. It is worth mentioning that the effort to introduce the brand Amstel across the whole country encountered a terrible flop and had to be stopped in 2008.
Facing an impressive growth of beer imports and an equally impressive increase of the number of microbreweries in Switzerland, Heineken is losing each year some market shares. This leaves the company with a big beautiful plant producing probably not more than at 50% of its capacity (it can bottle 36'000 cans, 80'000 bottles and 480 kegs per hour). Which will probably induce a further consolidation and a possible middle-term shutdown of their second plant (Eichhof, Luzern).
Their beers are deeply uninspired and uninteresting.
Brewer: Markus Scharlemann."
Hofbrauerei Wiesen

Founded in 2017

Riedweg 7
7494 Wiesen


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewer: Andi Nebel.
A very discrete or maybe even inactive homebrewery.

Founded in 2023

7405 Rothenbrunnen


list of beers

N/A N/A -
Ilanzer Bier

Founded in 2015

Glennerstrasse 8
7130 Ilanz


list of beers

3 13.6

Brewer: Tobias Schneider.
Brewing many different beers in Anglo-American and German styles on a 140 liters installation.
JJ's Sayser Bier

Founded in 2015

7202 Says


list of beers

N/A N/A -
Marmot Cervisiam

Founded in 2017

Gewerbestrasse 10
7307 Jenins


list of beers

10 15.16

Brewer: Kevin Kuster.
A beer club brewing on a 250 liters installation.

Founded in 2012

via da Mez 26
7742 Poschiavo


list of beers

27 14.62

Brewer: Luca Battilana.
Formerly Birreria Pacific (brewer: Ulrich Schläpfer). Brews 4 core beers and 4 seasonals.
Stong quality offered by this brewery. Don't hesitate to try if you can find the beers.
PD Beer (la Molesta)

Founded in 2017

Pozz 13
6541 Santa Maria


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewers: David Dey and Sandro Pollicelli.
Brews 4 core beers and some seasonals on a 50 liters installation.

Founded in 2024

Via da la Pesa 12
7742 Poschiavo


list of beers

N/A N/A Started in 2020 but only registered since 2024.

Founded in 2019

7204 Untervaz


list of beers

N/A N/A Brewing on a 100 liters installation. A highly discrete homebrewery.
Riedi Gervosaria

Founded in 2018

7137 Flond


6 hl

list of beers

N/A N/A Hansjürg Riedi.
A very discrete homebrewery.

Founded in 2021

via Principala 44
7014 Trin


N/A N/A A culture center with its own microbrewery.
Rolpibrau (Domleschgerbier)

Founded in 2007

7404 Feldis/Veulden


50 hl

list of beers

4 8.3

A cooperative with 5 members. Brewing on a 5 hl installation
Closed in 2011 before started again in 2016. Originally located in Tumegl.
I had their beers in 2008 and they were quite horrible at that time. Should be much better nowadays.
Schnauser Bier

Founded in 2019

7130 Schnaus


N/A N/A A very discrete or maybe even inactive homebrewery.
Speluca Brauerei & Genusshotel

Founded in 2024

7435 Splügen


list of beers

N/A N/A Will open in Summer 2025.
Stadtbier Chur

Founded in 2010

Felsenaustrasse 23b
7000 Chur


list of beers

8 14

Brewer: Sacha Schibli.
Produces in Chur since June 2012 on 20 hl installation (was formerly contract brewed by Aare-Bier).
Good quality beers which are clearly worth a try.

Founded in 2017

Poststrasse 19
7434 Sufers


list of beers

N/A N/A -
Talstation Valata

Founded in 2021

Sand 7
7138 Surcuolm


list of beers

N/A N/A A very discrete or maybe even inactive homebrewery.
Weber Bier

Founded in 2024

7224 Putz


N/A N/A -

Founded in 2018

Flüelapassstrasse 5
7260 Davos Dorf


list of beers

N/A N/A Probably inactive.

Brewpubs (1)

# of beers
Rating avg
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...
Safienbrauerei Rössli

Founded in 2018

Hauptstrasse 49
7104 Versam


list of beers

N/A N/A A guesthouse brewing its own beer.

Beer makers without breweries (1)

# of beers
Rating avg
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...
Benediktinerkloster Disentis

Founded in 2014

via Claustra 1
7180 Disentis

2 10.8 Client brewer: the beers was first brewed by Surselva and since 2017 by Monstein.

Beer bars

Name Address / Untappd venueHomepage / Email Rating Comments
Tom's Beer Box
Untere Gasse 11
7000 Chur

 About 150 different beers from around the world.

Closed Breweries (36)

NameAddressfounded-closedContact # of beers
Rating Comments
Don't kill me, it's only my opinion...
Aktienbrauerei Thusis
7430 Thusis
1861 - 1921

 N/A N/A Originally called zum Rosenbühl.
Arosa Edel

7050 Arosa
2011 - 2017

1 12.8 Client brewer. The beer - a correct lager - is brewed by Surselva
Black Peak
Promenade 100
7270 Davos Platz
2018 - 2023


N/A N/A Brewing 5 core beers an 3 seasonals.

Production: 100 hl

Branger & Komminoth
7503 Samedan
1877 - 1888

 N/A N/A N/A
Salvatorenstrasse 88
7000 Chur
2010 - 2021


3 11.2

Started in 2010 and initiated by Patrick Arnet. Offered a very nice beer and reached a production of 1'100 hectoliters after 3 years. The production has been stopped in 2013 (apparently after financial troubles) and the initiator retired. The brewery is no more registered and the beers were then produced by Liechtensteiner Brauhaus. Introduced a new brand - Bündner Bier - in 2014. Or when locality gets loosely defined ... Yet ! Came back in the canton in 2017 as the beers are now brewed by Tschlin.

Production: 1'100 hl

7742 Poschiavo
1880 - 1890

 N/A N/A N/A
7260 Davos
1882 - 1922

 N/A N/A Originally called zum Löwen.
Ela Bier
Veia Davos Tga Clo 4
7460 Savognin
2007 - 2018


2 13.2 Client brewer.
I have sampled a very nice unfiltered lager and hope to be able to taste some more of their beers soon.
Contract brewed by Locher since 2011. Had formerly register number 259.
Disappeared around 2018.
Engadiner Aktienbrauerei
7505 Celerina
1892 - 1975


 N/A N/A Originally called Campell & Bisaz
Gebr. Schumacher
7649 Castasegna
? - 1870

 N/A N/A N/A
7649 Castasegna
1870 - 1919

 N/A N/A N/A
7649 Bondo
1875 - 1880

 N/A N/A N/A
Giovanoli & Cadisch
7649 Spino
1861 - 1885

 N/A N/A N/A
7412 Scharans
2001 - 2011


 N/A N/A -
7220 Schiers
1865 - 1909

 N/A N/A Originally called Thöni & Michel.
7000 Chur
1875 - 1916

 N/A N/A N/A
Mäci's Craft Bier
7013 Domat/Ems
2019 - 2022


 N/A N/A Probably inactive.
7130 Ilanz
1841 - 1909

 N/A N/A N/A
Passet & Lutta
7431 Andeer
1841 - 1849

 N/A N/A N/A
7742 Poschiavo
1850 - 1929

 N/A N/A N/A
Ravenhead Brewery
Via dalla Resga 14
7403 Rhäzüns
2018 - 2022


N/A N/A Brewer: Sam Murdoch.
Brewing 3 core beers on a 220 liters installation. Has a taproom opened on Thursday and Friday.
Rhätische Aktienbrauerei
7000 Chur
1780 - 1913

 N/A N/A Originally called Alte Brauerei.
7000 Chur
1872 - 1920

 N/A N/A N/A
7516 Maloja
1885 - 1899

 N/A N/A N/A
7212 Seewis Dorf
2018 - 2022


N/A N/A Seems to be the highest brewery in the country (1912 m)
7018 Lenzerheide
2009 - 2014


 N/A N/A -
Steinadler-BräuVoa principala 38
7078 Lenzerheide
2007 - 2011


 1 11.2 Brewer: Reto Hafner.
One modest german hefeweizen, hoping for more.
Strela Bräu Davos
Schatzalpstrasse 3
7271 Davos Platz
2016 - 2024


N/A N/A Brewer: Christian Flury.
Could well be inactive.
Surselva Bräu

7018 Flims-Waldhaus
2005 - 2017


7 11.94

Brewer: Jörg Kambach
A brewpub offering also small bottled beers and enjoying an impressive success in its region. Honest beers, not more. Opened: Thursday-Sunday 11:00-23:00.
Brews Arosa Edel and Kloster Disentis under contract.
Closed in October 2017.

Production: 1'500 hl


7304 Maienfeld
2011 - 2016


 N/A N/A Brewers: Marco Illien and Till Linder.
Inactive since February 2012The homepage is now down, so a definitive closure seems to be evident.
Unterengadiner Aktienbrauerei
7549 Süss
1848 - 1917

 N/A N/A Successively called Planta and Campell.
7649 Vicosoprano
1872 - 1910

 N/A N/A N/A
Vereinsbrauerei Pierfründa
7000 Chur
2016 - 2016


 N/A N/A -
7260 Davos
1880 - 1905

 N/A N/A N/A
zur Alten Brauerei
7430 Thusis
1841 - 1880

 N/A N/A N/A
zur Krone
7015 Tamins
1879 - 1903

 N/A N/A N/A