re-rated, courtesy of Andreas Brüllmann - cloudy dark ruby-brown colour with almost no foam left; malty and fresh nose with notes of red berries and sugar powder; medium-bodied and quite sweet; moderate carbonation and a slightly sticky palate; no bitterness; short and sweetish fruity finish - not bad at all
5/2010 from the online shop of the brewery - pours a cloudy reddish-amber colour with a little beige foam left; fair aroma of banana and candi sugar; notes of apples and cinnamon; overcarbonated and very sweet, medium malt backbone, fizzy aftertaste of matured banana with some residual sugars and hints of spices - hmmm ... a reasonable carbonation could do the job (4/6/4/2/7)
Rating (appearance,aroma,flavor,aftertaste,overall impression):