my ranking list of the breweries in the canton TG

Please note: the rating's calculation here is different as the simple average displayed on the canton's pages. It takes into account different factors and is computed as follow:
(n / (n+m)) * R + (m / (n+m)) * C where
C = the midpoint of my scale (11)
R = rating average of the brewery
n = number of beers tasted from this brewery
m the minimum of beers required to enter the list (3 for the moment)

Since January 2016, this list includes also client brewers

Last updated: 2024 April 8

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 Name # of beers tasted Rating Variation
(on the country list)
1.Bischoff16 14.33 51
2.Bodensee21 14.16 46
3.Barfuss24 14.14 48110
4.Kloster Fischingen22 14.04 6362
5.Bögli Bräu8 13.58
6.Brauhaus Sternen26 13.38 11898
7.Mükon21 13.35 125166
8.Heimbräu4 13.17 168
9.Wagerswiler Bräu8 12.75 242
10.Huus-Braui6 12.60 84
11.Larrys 3 12.57
12.Tannzapfenbräu10 12.54 275
13.GILBIS3 11.90
14.Brau-Schüür 3 11.77 406
15.Müli-Bräu8 11.69 416

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