my ranking list of the breweries in the canton BL

Please note: the rating's calculation here is different as the simple average displayed on the canton's pages. It takes into account different factors and is computed as follow:
(n / (n+m)) * R + (m / (n+m)) * C where
C = the midpoint of my scale (11)
R = rating average of the brewery
n = number of beers tasted from this brewery
m the minimum of beers required to enter the list (3 for the moment)

Since January 2016, this list includes also client brewers

Last updated: 2024 April 8

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 Name # of beers tasted Rating Variation
(on the country list)
1.Shrinkbrew Ales37 14.73 1815
2.the Beer Guerrillas27 14.26 40
3.Hard Labor Brew18 13.84 8360
4.Fermento5 13.23 151
5.rock beer 7 12.86 175
6.Blaue Ente15 12.61 26335
7.Hopster & Malzer 11 12.47 299
8.Rauchloch 5 12.18 338
9.Roscha-Bräu13 11.89 386
10.GibbonBräu6 11.67
11.Chesi-Brauer3 11.44
12.Ruecherei (client brewer)5 11.23 468
13.Arlibrau13 11.21 469
14.Engibeer3 11.10 476
15.Rössli-Bier5 10.83 495
16.Varius8 10.82 496
17.Sauhofbräu3 10.44 507

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